
5 super tax saving strategies

Insights, News, Super, Tax
We’re approaching the end of the financial year and many Australians are scrambling for ways to pay less tax. Here are five tax-saving strategies that you can do with your super that will put more back in your pocket at tax time. 1. Salary sacrifice One of the simplest tax-saving strategies with super is salary…

10 tax tips for getting extra cash this end of financial year

Insights, News, Super, Tax
The end of the financial year is almost here and many Australians are scrambling to find ways to reduce their tax.  While we encourage taking a longer-term, strategic view on tax planning, there are a few quick tax tips for getting extra cash in your back pocket. We highly recommend you seek the services of a…

Why everyone should have a will

Insights, News, Tax
Marina* was only thirty when she unexpectedly passed away.  The sudden shock of her death left her family naturally devastated, but also at a loss of what to do with her estate.  You see, while Marina didn’t have a property, a stack of cash or a valuable art collection to her name, she did have a $500,000…

Cryptocurrency and Australian tax: What you need to know

Insights, Investing, News, Tax
In the past, the cryptocurrency market has been a bit like the wild west, with plenty of hacking, scammers and thieves trying to convince people to part with their money.  As cryptocurrency is becoming more mainstream, regulations are forming around the asset class and authorities are warning that they’re catching up with the digital world. As…

The 3 main reasons you might be selected for an ATO audit

News, Tax
Each year, the ATO reveals what they will be targeting when it comes to tax returns. But these aren’t the only reasons you may be selected for an audit. The last thing anyone wants is to be audited, so what are some of the most common reasons you might be selected and how can you…

10 tax tips for getting extra cash this end of financial year

News, Super, Tax
The end of the financial year is almost here and many Australians are scrambling to find ways to reduce their tax. While we encourage taking a longer-term, strategic view on tax planning, there are a few quick actions that you can take now which may help put some extra cash in your back pocket. Here…