Adding more to your retirement savings: is it worth it?

Insights, Investing, News, Super, Tax
Being proactive with your superannuation can significantly boost your retirement savings. Superannuation offers substantial benefits as an investment vehicle, including tax concessions and the power of compounding interest. Why Superannuation Holds Great Promise for Retirement Savings Making additional contributions to your superannuation can significantly grow your balance through tax concessions and compounding interest. During the…

Transition To Retirement

Insights, News, Super, Tax, TTF
Crafting the retirement lifestyle, you’ve earned demands thoughtful preparation. Many people are unaware that upon reaching the required preservation age they can access a portion of their superannuation without having to leave their employment via a tailored Transition to Retirement strategy (TTR). Navigating the path to retirement A TTR strategy allows you to enjoy flexible…

Everything you need to know about accessing your super

Insights, News, Super, Tax
Understanding when and how to access your superannuation is essential for making informed decisions about your financial future and ensuring you’re prepared for a secure and comfortable retirement. Superannuation is a key component of your retirement plan. Knowing when and how you can access your superannuation is crucial to making informed decisions about your financial future. In…

5 super tax saving strategies

Insights, News, Super, Tax
We’re approaching the end of the financial year and many Australians are scrambling for ways to pay less tax. Here are five tax-saving strategies that you can do with your super that will put more back in your pocket at tax time. 1. Salary sacrifice One of the simplest tax-saving strategies with super is salary sacrificing.  Arrange with your…

10 tax tips for getting extra cash this end of financial year

Insights, News, Super, Tax
The end of the financial year is almost here and many Australians are scrambling to find ways to reduce their tax. While we encourage taking a longer-term, strategic view on tax planning, there are a few quick tax tips for getting extra cash in your back pocket.  Here is a list of tax tips for getting…

Take advantage of the small window to save tax before the stage three tax cuts

Insights, News, Tax
Australia is gearing up for stage three tax cuts, promising relief for many taxpayers. However, amidst the anticipation, there’s an opportunity you won’t want to overlook. Currently, your tax deductions hold more value than they will next financial year. By acting now and leveraging your deductions strategically, you can unlock substantial tax savings. Let’s delve…

Investment property tax deductions: What you need to know

Investing, News, Tax
More and more Australians are seeking investment properties to improve their financial position. Whether you’re an experienced property investor looking to maximise your returns or a newcomer to the world of property investing, understanding tax deductions is crucial for maximising financial outcomes. This blog will help provide you with an insight into investment property taxes and equip…

Understanding Capital Gains Tax

Investing, News, Tax
When selling assets and investments, ‘Capital Gains Tax’ or ‘CGT’ can seem like a daunting term. However, it’s one of those things that becomes less intimidating the more you get to know about it. Here we share what it is and how you can minimise your Capital Gains Tax liability. What is Capital Gains Tax?…

The 3 main reasons you might be selected for an ATO audit

Insights, News, Tax
Each year, the ATO reveals what they will be targeting when it comes to tax returns.  But these aren’t the only reasons you may be selected for an audit.  The last thing anyone wants is to be audited, so what are some of the most common reasons you might be selected and how can you avoid…